Esteemed members of the international and national maritime industry came together at a dinner party hosted by Zeymarine Ship Agencies & Services on the Matilda boat departed from Kuruçeşme, İstanbul on the evening of 29 August.
As Zeymarine Ship Agencies & Services, we said goodbye to summer and welcomed autumn on the glamorous Bosphorus with our beloved friends from the industry.
Esteemed members of the leading international companies such as Norden, XO, AEC, Klaveness, Komrowski, and Boskalis joined us at the dinner party we organized on the famous Matilda boat on the evening of 29 August.
Reputable representatives of companies providing services in the domestic maritime market also joined us for this wonderful event that started on Kuruçeşme and continued on the gorgeous Bosphorus.
At the event, a total of 70 people from several countries enjoyed a beautiful evening of İstanbul.

“Zeymarine Ship Agencies & Services was started as an ordinary partnership to cover a broad range of agency services in all Turkish ports and Turkish straits encompassing port agency services, protecting agency services and husbandry services. After a brief start-up period, our business volume picked up dramatically and a simple ordinary partnership seemed to become a bottleneck in matching an ever-increasing business volume. Hence, at the start of 2017, we moved to a corporate structure. Tonight’s dinner once again showed us that this growth was not just about our business, but also about our new family. We’d like to thank all of our friends who have joined us at this gathering. It’s priceless to see that we have now become a very big and happy family.”
said Zeymarine Ship Agencies & Services CEO Umut Çınar at the dinner.
Enjoyable dinner party with surprises ended at midnight leaving a smile on each and every attendee.

Boat Party Photos
About Zeymarine Ship Agencies & Services
Zeymarine Ship Agencies & Services carries the vision of making shipping services in Turkey easy, safe and reliable to its clients with its innovative and tailor-made solutions and systems. It is able to provide all kinds of agency services at all Turkish ports, shipyards and straits, survey services for any requirement of principals, hold & tanks cleaning services, necessary support on logistics, forwarding requirements. Additional to Istanbul office, Zeymarine Ship Agencies Pte Ltd started to serve clients at Singapore in June, Zeymarine Ship Agencies BV will soon in the Netherlands.
Zeymarine Ship Agencies & Services Co Inc.
Address: Barbaros Mah. Al Zambak Sok. Varyap Meridian Sitesi A.Blok – Grand Tower K:3 D:41
Ataşehir/İSTANBUL 34746
Phone: +90 216 573 0799
Fax: +90 216 573 0799
E-Mail: [email protected]
Zeymarine Ship Agencies Pte Ltd.
2 Gul Street 1, 629315 Singapore
Phone: +65 6264 5901
E-Mail: [email protected]
Zeymarine Ship Agencies BV
Mandenmakerstraat 84, 3194DG Hoogvliet
Rotterdam / The Netherlands
Phone: +31 (0) 260 16 46
E-Mail: [email protected]