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Based on her knowledge and expertise, she comments that the biggest problem in the near future will be security. For her, thanks to the developing technology, great conveniences are obtained in financial terms, but besides every convenience, there are also difficulties. Even with some programs downloaded from the Internet, many people can easily attack systems and access a company’s secret data. The most important thing for finance is to put security at the highest level.
The most important advice she can give to newcomers to the industry is to have an understanding of “lifelong learning” in the sector because developing technology leads to changes in the financial sector. Adapting to these changes will only be possible with solid learning.
She is always willing to try and develop new ideas and strategies, and also never willing to fail. Thus, she is ready to push herself to complete new and challenging tasks that she cannot accomplish while trying hard to avoid her mistakes. Her motto is always been “No wind favours he who has no destined port”.
She has always loved the sea ever since she could remember and since she is a logical and strategic thinker, she did not want to choose a profession that results in years of studying and no job opportunities. During the preference period, she chose her department by getting help from the people working in the shipping sector around her.